Welcome to Rebecca's Forecast!
I offer my interpretation of the planets' transits each month through our solar system as an insight to your life’s personal choices and changes.
I believe Astrology is a powerful tool for self-change through the understanding of life’s evolving cycles. It is a powerful and useful knowledge to be utilized as a guide but never as a replacement for our gift of free will, choice and personal self expression. Astrology has stood the test of time. Dating back to Mesopotamia, it is an art and a science. For those who believe no proof is necessary, for those who disbelieve no proof is enough.
My forecast for March 2025 is below. For a more personal forecast, contact Rebecca directly about individual phone readings and charts!
Be Well,

This month supports tying up loose ends and organizing your life under the Full Moon in meticulous Virgo. Cleaning house ridding yourself interests that are not working and letting go of the past will allow new beginnings to take shape and flourish. Later under retrograde aspects the past may revisit offering new insights and perspectives...visit but don't linger. The New Moon in your sign allows you to vision the future while taking the best of the past forward.

Jupiter remaining direct in your sign lends energy, enthusiasm and vitality! Take advantage of early trends to promote self interests...others are aware of your presence now so take advantage. Full Moon accents home and family...residence is highlighted. Later a bit of nostalgia is experienced and you view the past with a sense of comfort and security. You weigh financial interests with an eye on the future...be mindful of words that may come back to haunt you.

A see-saw month of highs and lows as both Mercury and Venus retrograde may play havoc with current undertakings and endeavors! Use the Virgo Full Moon ,practical and meticulous to help you set priorities. You have more leverage in outcomes now by being more flexible and working with not against others. Ego and pride are best on the back burner now. Later New Moon brings wanderlust, travel and dealings with those at a distance.

Full Moon in the 12th house finds you deep in thought about everything and anything...private worries and stress tax your energy and escape from it all is appealing to many! The New Moon in Aries may offer comfort or support from where you least expect...Mercury/Venus retrograde may bring 2nd chances. Later a short trip, news from a distance and career issues or interests. Step away, clear your thoughts and otherwise reset your energy.

At the very base of your life you are working through personal challenges and obstacles now. Testing beliefs and convictions will call upon your infamous optimism to navigate a new path under a challenging Full Moon and difficult retrogrades. This is a good time to embrace change, innovation and new perspectives...flexibility and adjustment will allow a timely change of course. Later the New Moon lends support in the personal areas of your life.

You may have a tug of war within this month as you feel compelled to move in 2 different directions. Communications are effective and productive bringing opportunity to your efforts and energy. New Moon highlights long-term security and influential retrogrades bring rewards from the past. Later it's important to maintain a balance of initiative and restraint in pursuit of your larger picture. The New Moon in Aries can sharpen words and perceptions.
You gain fresh insights from your past experiences and life lessons. The Full Moon in detail oriented Virgo allows you to see the real from the ideal. This is a good month to take from the past and sift though experiences without distortion or enhancement...resist the rose colored glasses! The New Moon in your 12th house heightens perception and intuition, tune in to your inner voice ! Later unusual opportunity or guidance where you least expect.

As Mars continues in your sign you feel excited and optimistic for new beginnings. This time especially favors fresh opportunity...you sync easily with other and are adept at give and take bringing balance to your dealings with others. Later in haste don't blunder an important communication...Mercury retrograde is still very much at work! The New Moon accents career, credibility and reputation dealings with elders and superiors are accented...news is brewing.

A complex and often testy month as several opposition aspects serve to rattle your nerves! Try to sidestep conflict and disagreement where possible...this could take a bit of doing...Full Moon in your sign fires up your mood and emotions ! A bit of solitude may be in order, R&R allows you to reboot your energy and explore options to handle stress and conflicts more effectively...change your strategy and change your outcome...New Moon accents money and security.

You won't make much headway this month if you play hardball as powerplays rule the month ...sidestep a tug of war and aim for a more cooperative
spirit. All in all a challenging month filled with twists and turns...relationships need careful handling. Later choose the uncomplicated road of least resistance, you can still make your point effectively and with less wear and tear! The New Moon highlights health and well being...make time for you.

This month offers a healthy dose of wishful thinking as real and ideal clash during this often tumultuous month. Challenging retrogrades of Mercury and Venus can lead to disappointment and communication glitches...speak carefully and listen more carefully! Later as Mars continues in opposition get out of your own way as you could be your own worst enemy. You benefit if you balance and adapt to changing circumstances...even if its only temporary.

A stellium of planets in your sign leading with the Sun will make this an auspicious month to find your personal strength again. Retrograde planets allow you to gain from the past...2nd chance opportunities are possible. The renewed strength of your convictions are evident in a more confident and self assured stance. As you speak your mind and share opinions you will gain valuable support. Later the New Moon highlights financial affairs.