Welcome to Rebecca's Forecast!
I offer my interpretation of the planets' transits each month through our solar system as an insight to your life’s personal choices and changes.
I believe Astrology is a powerful tool for self-change through the understanding of life’s evolving cycles. It is a powerful and useful knowledge to be utilized as a guide but never as a replacement for our gift of free will, choice and personal self expression. Astrology has stood the test of time. Dating back to Mesopotamia, it is an art and a science. For those who believe no proof is necessary, for those who disbelieve no proof is enough.
My forecast for February 2025 is below. For a more personal forecast, contact Rebecca directly about individual phone readings and charts!
Be Well,

Sun in Aquarius accents the 11th house ...personal hopes and wishes are contemplated and Mercury brings more dealings with others personally and professionally. Pay heed to your intuition as lost in your daydreams may yield a new idea or venture. Venus allows you to regroup your energy and replenish emotionally. Later Jupiter direct picks up the pace physically and mentally! You revisit property, family or residence interests...change of address is possible.

Jupiter moves direct in your sign for months to come fostering luck, abundance and opportunity! This begins a new 12 year cycle of growth and expansion...go for the brass ring it's hard to miss now! Sun accents travel, in-laws and dealings at a distance... news, messages or announcements relate to loved ones. Later changes on the work front, a new look and outlook and changing perspectives...all conspire to lead you in new unexpected directions!

Full Moon in your sign early this month heightens sensitivity and awareness, chances are you are in demand and it's easy to put your best foot forward. All relationships benefit through communications and the exchange of ideas and opinions...sidestep a challenge with your charm. Saturn continues its tight grip on finances in months ahead and Mars in the 12th house will help you cut corners. Later Jupiter brings gain through others, say yes to invitations.

Romance, creativity and dealings with children and younger people are favored now. Spruce up image, style and appearance...a new look and outlook will lift your spirits. Saturn continues a determined stand to improve health and overall wellness...build upon recent success. Jupiter favors spiritual growth, academics and new perspectives for months to come...you have wanderlust physically and mentally! Later visits or visitors ! Career interests pick up steam.

Travel, communications and dealings with relatives will keep you busy this month. Be mindful of all communications as a misunderstanding may arise. Mar's remaining in the 8th house may continue to unsettle moods and emotions you mull over sensitive issues and all in all find it hard to come to terms with issues or people. Jupiter in Gemini highlights relationships and invites new people into your life...dealings with professionals are favored.

The Sun and Mercury in Aquarius will draw attention your way...this is a good time to sift through ideas and new beginnings. Pay more attention to health, dependents and daily responsibilities allowing more time for yourself to restore and replenish....you may need to adjust daily obligations. Jupiter remaining in Gemini favors romance, creativity and personal self expression...new ways and means are favored. Saturn continues to keep a tight rein on finances.
Dealings with career, elders and those in authority are likely now, communications play a leading role...you have the attention of others as Saturn accents your 11th house. A strong 2nd house for months to come will improve your financial interests and favor a timely investment as obstacles are removed. Later Mars will lend support and energy physically and mentally...it's hard to stop you now!! Dealings within a group or organizations are favored now...speak up!

The Sun and Mercury moving through your 8th house accents what you hold materially and emotionally with others.... an accounting of sorts is in progress with your eye on the future. Jupiter remaining in your 12th house allows for introspection and a bit of nostalgia. You tie up loose ends and otherwise make timely closures in your life making way for new beginnings later this year. The New Moon in Pisces favors intuition...pay heed to your thoughts and visions.

This is a good time to reorganize day to day duties and obligations, visit with healthcare professionals and otherwise improve physically and mentally! Full Moon encourages you to cut the deadwood from your life and address personal limitations. A change in your social circle may be overdue...weed your garden. Jupiter at the midheaven for months to come will bring opportunity on the job front...move up or move out? Later twosomes flourish!

Lots of activity on the home/family front early this month, coming and going will set a lively pace while Mercury brings news and messages. The New Moon highlights career interests and may offer new opportunity. Jupiter remaining in Gemini for months to come allows you to work on financial security and brings more milage from investments. Later Saturn strengthens the ties that bind, favors children's interests and accents creative expression.

Sun and Mercury accent your 2nd house financial interests are front and center...the New Moon brings extra money your way! Mar's remaining in opposition may have you defending your position and compromise now will be no easy task as Cancer placement stirs the pot emotionally. Saturn in Pisces intensifies a stubborn stance, avoid disagreements with neighbors. Later the New Moon may offer a better grasp of emotions and feelings.

You are working quietly and steadily behind the scenes early this month as several planets move through the 12th house. You tie up loose strings and otherwise clear the clutter from your life. A bit reclusive and nostalgic there is much to be gained from looking within. Saturn fosters personal resolve and your intuition is active all month...pay heed. Jupiter brings change under your roof...residence or living arrangements are highlighted??