Astrological forecast (horoscope) from New Jersey-based astrologer, Rebecca

Welcome to Rebecca's Forecast! 

I offer my interpretation of the planets' transits each month through our solar system as an insight to your life’s personal choices and changes.

I believe Astrology is a powerful tool for self-change through the understanding of life’s evolving cycles. It is a powerful and useful knowledge to be utilized as a guide but never as a replacement for our gift of free will, choice and personal self expression. Astrology has stood the test of time.  Dating back to Mesopotamia, it is an art and a science. For those who believe no proof is necessary, for those who disbelieve no proof is enough.

My forecast for October 2024 is below.  For a more personal forecast, contact Rebecca directly about individual phone readings and charts!

Be Well,


Monthly astrological forecast for Aries

The Sun and New Moon in Libra opposition you have more to gain with a co-operative stance. Remain adaptable and open to other's ideas and opinions,,,try to see things through another lens. Mars in Cancer turns attention to the home front and family interests...lots of activity and news with loved ones. Real estate may assume importance now. Later the Full Moon heightens intuition and interests assume importance...don.t be impulsive!

Monthly astrological forecast for Gemini

The Sun and New Moon in your 5th house will make early trends social and enjoyable. Downtime and recreational pastimes are hard to resist now, children's interests are highlighted. A more demanding trend is felt later as obligations, duties and deadlines cramp time and attention. Later the Full Moon in Aries is a more trying period as emotions see-saw and bring tumultuous feelings and thoughts! Don't try to evade an inevitable decision.

Monthly astrological forecast for Leo

Sun and New Moon in Libra may bring rose-colored glasses and wishful thinking. It's important to see things clearly and realistically now and focus your attention on what is really possible. Be alert to unlooked for opportunity and be ready to seize the moment! Later the Full Moon in the 9th house highlights new perspectives, dealings from a distance and academics...reach into your higher self and explore new avenues of possibility.

Monthly astrological forecast for Libra

As the Sun and New Moon in your sign team up this marks a period of personal renewal and revitalization. Jupiter allows thoughts to wander far and wide while Mercury in your sign sharpens mental abilities and communications. In this activity filled month its crucial to maintain a balance and pace yourself. Sidestep impulse and boost your career and reputation under Mars in the 10th house. Later the Full Moon brings opportunity through others.

Monthly astrological forecast for Sagittarius

You may feel a little out of sorts this month as your usual ease with others is a bit thorny at best. Sun and New Moon may create an undercurrent in a group or organization...better to build upon current endeavors than begin something new. Pay heed to your inner voice and know when to withhold comment or information. Later the Full Moon brings opportunity in romance, creativity and recreational interests...say yes!

Monthly astrological forecast for Aquarius

Early aspects help you manage responsibilities and obligations and getting things done in record time! Thinking and organization are favored and you enlist help through others as the Sun and New Moon transit co-operative Libra. Mars hints at taking better care of yourself by balancing work and play. Allow time to restore and regroup. Later at the Full Moon say yes to a change of scenery...mentally or physically indulge in a bit of wanderlust!

Monthly astrological forecast for Taurus

Think before you speak this month, pay mind to all communications lest you make a misstep with hasty words! Sidestep another’s bait and steer clear of sensitive issues and topics. Jupiter in Gemini may raise financial matters seek advice in making decisions...friends and money may not mix now. Venus in opposition warns you to hang on to your heart...follow your logic. Later Full Moon has a lot going on within and behind the scenes, you feel reclusive.

Monthly astrological forecast for Cancer

You can take the easy way or the hard way this month as mounting work and decisions press from several sides. By following your path you have much to gain so dig in and continue your course! Home and family affairs are infused with energy and obligation...set priorities. Later the Full Moon in the 10th house accent career, credibility and reputation...Mars in your sign sets the tone for the next few years...are you planning to begin or finish a personal cycle?

Monthly astrological forecast for Virgo

A well-deserved break may be in order as Sun and New Moon meet up in Venus ruled Libra. Early trends favor catching your breath and otherwise re-grouping and replenishing your energy. Reset your priorities and factor in time for social and recreational pursuits. Venus in the 2nd house favors a bit of self-indulgence now! Later the Full Moon favors clearing out and culminations, time on your own is well spent...answers are found within.

Monthly astrological forecast for Scorpio

Lots going on privately and behind the scenes as the Sun and New Moon join with Mercury all in your 12th house in the sign of Libra. You stand to gain steadily this month as progress is made with current undertakings. Be wary of over indulgence and a devil may care attitude. You need to seek moderation and balance. Pay heed to intuition you gain from within. Later Full Moon in Aries accents job, health and obligations.

Monthly astrological forecast for Capricorn

The Sun, New Moon and Mercury transiting your 10th house will highlight career, dealings with superiors and status with others. Like it or not you may find yourself in the limelight...put your best foot forward! Mars in opposition may bring a few challenges...avoid hard line stands as Saturn remains in the 3rd house of communications. Later the Full Moon may bring family, residence or property interests into prominence...get all the facts before conclusions!

Monthly astrological forecast for Pisces

Strong 8th house emphasis suggests you are taking a deep dive this month as you explore the relationships and associations in your life. The Sun, New Moon and Mercury may play havoc with your moods and emotions as you seek to balance what you are giving and what you are receiving. Saturn remaining in your sign lends discipline and perseverance adding an extra layer of self-protection you and others are still getting used to. Full matters.

To arrange a private reading, please contact Rebecca.

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